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Currently available only in Classic UI. Expected in Freedom UI around February June 2024.

Full-screen agent’s workplace


To open the full-screen agent’s workplace:

  1. Go to the Beesender workplace

  2. Open the Beesender chats section

  3. Click the element (blue star) on the top area to open the full-screen agent’s workplace.



This button will be displayed in the section only if the current system user is an agent.

Analytics metrics within the agent's workspace

In the upper part of the panel, statistics are displayed:

1 Dropdown list with сurrent status and time under the status – Indicates the time elapsed since setting the current status.

2 Total time The total number of hours passed since the start of the agent session.

Agent session – period of agent work after 6 hours offline and until the next 6 hour offline period.

3 Closed (Chats closed) The number of chats closed by the agent.

Some details of filling out the Closed and Chats closed fields:
1. If another agent re-opens a closed chat in which the first agent was previously communicating, then sends new messages and closes this chat, the value of closed chats for the first agent becomes -1 and for the second agent it becomes +1 (for correct display you need to reload the page with the communication panel of the first agent).
2. If an agent transfers his chat to a second agent, who continues the dialogue in this chat and then closes it, then the value of closed chats becomes +1 for the second agent.
3. If the chat is closed due to the fact that the client does not respond (if the ‘Close chats without messages’ setting is enabled and a value is set for it 'Time for closing chat after last message (minutes)'), then the agent to whom this chat was distributed has the value of closed chats set to +1.

4 Missed (Chats missed) The number of chats transferred to another agent using the 'Transfer chats without agent answer' setting.

To make the Missed (Chats missed) value +1 for the current agent, you need to enable the ‘Transfer chats without agent answer’ setting and specify a value for it in 'Time for changing agent (minutes)'. And after that, if the agent does not respond to the client in the chat within the time set in the setting, the chat will automatically be transferred to another free agent and the value of the Missed and Chats missed fields will become +1 for the current agent.

5 On holdThe number of chats that the agent has paused using the Chat Actions menu.

6 Active chats – The number of currently open chats on the current agent.

7 Name or nickname (if it filled in the agent card) of the current agent.

8 Expand/hide agent communication panel button.

A circular diagram displays how much time the agent has been:

9 online,

10 offline,

11 paused.

Statistics inside circular diagram:

12 Total time during which the agent was online.

13 The current status of the agent is shown along with the duration of time the agent has been in that status.

14 First Online shows the time from which a new agent session began.


Logic for calculating the First Online field:

  1. If the system finds an online session of the agent after 6 hours of offline session, then the Start Time value of this online session (which occurs after a 6-hour offline session) is recorded in the First Online field.

  2. If no 6-hour offline breaks are found, the system identifies the oldest online session and records its Start Time value in First Online.

  3. If there are no online sessions for this agent, null will be returned.

15 Buttons for switching the online and offline status of the current agent

16 At the very bottom of the agent's workspace, there are two links:

  • FAQ - which leads to the Agent's Workspace User Guides article

  • Beesender Support – which directs you to an article where you can find information about technical support tariffs and how to contact them.


All communication panel statistics will be reset if the agent’s status was offline for more than 6 hours and after that this status was changed to online.
