Create answer template
1. Go to the workplace Studio and open the section Lookups or go to the section Lookups from the System Designer ⚙️
2. Click Add lookup and select Answer example. Set lookup name, for example - Answer templates
Note. Skip steps 1-2 if the lookup was added earlier
3. Open the contents of the added lookup and click Add
4. Specify a Name of the template, for example, Greeting
5. In the Description field, enter the message text that will be filled in the Text input field when this template is selected in the communication panel
6. In the Response template type field, select the template type, for example, Dialog
Answer template added. After refreshing the page, the template will be available for selection in the Communication Agent Panel after page refresh
If you want to use multilingual communications, then after adding the template, you will need to add translations of the template into the required languages.
Create WhatsApp template (HSM)
In the same way as response templates, WhatsApp response templates (also known as HSM) can be added.
1. Go to the workplace Studio and open the section Lookups or go to the section Lookups from the System Designer ⚙️
2. Click Add lookup and select Template Whatsapp. Set lookup name, for example - Answer templates
Note. Skip steps 1-2 if the lookup was added earlier
3. Open the contents of the added lookup and click Add
4. Specify a Name of the template, for example, Greeting
5. In the Description field, enter the message text that will be filled in the Text input field when this template is selected in the communication panel
6. In the Response template type field, select the template type, for example, Dialog
Answer template added. After refreshing the page, the template will be available for selection in the Communication Agent Panel after page refresh
Add chat process
1. Go to the workplace Studio and open the section Lookups or go to the section Lookups from the System Designer ⚙️
2. Click Add lookup and select Answer example. Set lookup name, for example - Answer templates
Note. Skip steps 1-2 if the lookup was added earlier
3. Open the contents of the added lookup and click Add
4. Specify a Name of the process, for example, Create a case
5. In the Process field, enter the Name of the process (not the title) that should be started
The process has been added. After refreshing the page, the process will be available for selection in the Communication Agent Panel
Create a new Chat close category
In the same way, a Category can be added.
Go to the workplace Studio and open the section Lookups or go to the section Lookups from the System Designer ⚙️
Click Add Lookup and select Chat Category. Set lookup name, for example - Beesender Chat Category
Note. Skip steps 1-2 if the lookup was added earlier
Open the contents of the added lookup and click Add
Specify a Name of the category, for example, Consultation
Category added. After refreshing the page, the category will be available for selection in the Communication Agent Panel after page refresh
Create a new Chat close Subcategory
In the same way, a Category can be added.
Go to the workplace Studio and open the section Lookups or go to the section Lookups from the System Designer ⚙️
Click Add lookup and select BeesenderChatSubCategory. Set lookup name, for example - Beesender Chat Subcategory
Note. Skip steps 1-2 if the lookup was added earlier
Open the contents of the added lookup and click Add
Specify a Name of the subcategory, for example, Consultation
In the Chat category field, select the template type, for example, Dialog
Subcategory added. After refreshing the page, the category will be available for selection in the Communication Agent Panel after page refresh