Here you will find the step-by-step description on how to switch agent status and the description of the statuses to choose the appropriate one

Switch status

Agent panel without chats

  1. To switch to (blue star) Online status, click Set online status

  2. To switch to (blue star) Paused status, click Set pause status

  3. To switch to (blue star) Offline status, click Set offline status

Agent panel with chats

  1. Click on the status at the top of the agent panel

  2. Select status, what you need

When an agent logs out (i. e., closes the session), their status will be changed to Offline automatically and new chats will not be distributed to this agent.

Status Description

(blue star) Online

Switch to (blue star) Online status, when you're ready to receive new chats.

An agent with an online status will see new messages and chats on the communication panel of the application and will be able to process them and send responses.

(blue star) Paused

Switch to (blue star) Paused status, if you want to take a break.

An agent with the paused status will see only previously received chats on the communication panel and will be able to process them and send responses. New chats are not distributed to paused users.

(blue star) Offline

Switch to (blue star) Offline status, when you have finished work.

An agent with the offline status will see only previously received chats on the communication panel and will be able to process them and send responses. New chats are not distributed to offline agents.