Beesender Chat Configuration
After the successful installation of Beesender in the system designer, in the Import and integration section, a new section, Beesender Chat Configuration, will appear. There will also be a new Beesender workplace and the Beesender chats section in it.
Beesender Configuration
Authorization by API Key
Go to the System designer
Click Beesender Chat Configuration in the Import and Integration section
In the window that opens, in Step 1, fill in the following fields:
Secret key – is your personal token that you can get from your manager or Beesender or click a Token request button
Fill in the following fields in the next window:
Company name: Enter the name of your company.
Phone number: Enter the contact person's phone number.
Email: Enter the contact person's email address.
Click "Send".
Once the token is successfully obtained, the Secret key field will be filled in (Using the Token request button you will receive a token valid for 2 weeks. To renew the token, please send a request to
API Key – click “Generate an API Key”, and the API Key field will be automatically filled.
Click Next
In Step 2, set checkboxes or leave it empty:
Set the waiting period for the client's response, min. – check the box and fill in the field, specifying the time in minutes, if you want chats to be automatically closed if there are no client messages after the specified time has elapsed (Minimum interval: 5 minutes. Lower values will be automatically adjusted)
Set the waiting period for agent response, min. – check the box and fill in the field, specifying the time in minutes, if you want chats to be automatically transferred to another agent if the current agent does not answer within the specified time
Click Next
Step 3 is the final one. In Step 3, windows may appear:
Number of process running instances “BeesenderSaveAfkChats” found N. Cancel them? – Click Yes
Number of process running instance “BeesenderCloseOldChats” found N. Cancel them? – Click Yes
Click Finish
Done! Beesender is set up. You can proceed to adding channels and agents.
One secret key (token) can only be used in one environment! To get tokens for development/testing environments, contact Beesender technical support
Authorization by Login and Password
We recommend using API key authorization as it provides enhanced security. In future versions of Beesender, the option for login and password authentication will no longer be available.
Go to the System designer
Click Beesender Chat Configuration in the Import and Integration section
In the window that opens, in Step 1, fill in the following fields:
Secret key – is your personal token that you can get from your manager or Beesender or click a Token request button
Fill in the following fields in the next window:
Company name: Enter the name of your company.
Phone number: Enter the contact person's phone number.
Email: Enter the contact person's email address.
Click "Send".
Once the token is successfully obtained, the Secret key field will be filled in (Using the Token request button you will receive a token valid for 2 weeks. To renew the token, please send a request to
Login – User login with system administrator rights
Password – User password with system administrator rights
Click Next
In Step 2, set checkboxes or leave it empty:
Set the waiting period for the client's response, min. – check the box and fill in the field, specifying the time in minutes, if you want chats to be automatically closed if there are no client messages after the specified time has elapsed (Minimum interval: 5 minutes. Lower values will be automatically adjusted)
Set the waiting period for agent response, min. – check the box and fill in the field, specifying the time in minutes, if you want chats to be automatically transferred to another agent if the current agent does not answer within the specified time
Click Next
Step 3 is the final one. In Step 3, windows may appear:
Number of process running instances “BeesenderSaveAfkChats” found N. Cancel them? – Click Yes
Number of process running instance “BeesenderCloseOldChats” found N. Cancel them? – Click Yes
Click Finish
Done! Beesender is set up. You can proceed to adding channels and agents.
One secret key (token) can only be used in one environment! To get tokens for development/testing environments, contact Beesender technical support
Description of configuration options
To change settings and/or configure channels/operators, you can go to Beesender Chat Configuration:
Go to the System designer
Click Beesender Chat Configuration in the Import and Integration section
Change parameters at the left panel
Field | Description |
Name | Beesender. Read-only |
Login | User login with system administrator rights |
Password | User password with system administrator rights |
Close chats without messages | Set the checkbox if you want chats to be automatically closed if there are no client messages after the time specified in the “Time for closing chat after last message (minutes)” field |
Time for closing chat after last message (minutes) | Specify the time in minutes after which chats will be automatically closed if there are no client messages, if the “Close chats without messages” checkbox is checked (Minimum interval: 5 minutes. Lower values will be automatically adjusted) |
Transfer chats without agent answer | Check the box and fill in the field, specifying the time in minutes, if you want chats to be automatically closed if there are no client messages after the specified time has elapsed |
Time for changing agent (minutes) | Check the box and fill in the field, specifying the time in minutes, if you want chats to be automatically transferred to another agent if the current agent does not answer within the specified time |
To ensure the Transfer chats without agent answer functionality works, please verify the following conditions:
The checkbox “Transfer chats without agent answer” is true.
The field “Time for changing agent (minutes)” has a specified value.
The channel is assigned to agents (all those to whom the chat can be transferred).
Agents are online and not overloaded (the sum of the weights of the open chats that are on the agent is less than the value specified in the “Max load” field in the agent card).
The last message sent was from a client.
When changing the login and/or password of the administrator, be sure to fill in the Login and Password fields with new values, click Save. Then select Actions and click Synchronize.