

In this section, you will find troubleshooting instructions for resolving potential issues.

Chat not working or synchronization error

Issue: If you are experiencing issues with chat functionality or synchronization errors, the problem may be related to the BeesenderOperatorToken and BeesenderOperatorAppId system settings.


To troubleshoot this issue, follow these troubleshooting instructions:

  1. Verify that the values of the BeesenderOperatorToken and BeesenderOperatorAppId system settings match and correspond with each other.

  2. Ensure that there are no checkmarks (checkboxes) enabled for either of these settings.

  3. Confirm that both settings have a token value without spaces at the beginning or end of the token-containing string.

Synchronization error

400 Error during Synchronization

If you are using a Creatio demo environment, it is likely that this error means that the limit of records in one of the system tables has been reached.

First, check the number of records in the BeesenderLog table. To do this, run the following SQL query:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "BeesenderLog"

If you see that the number of records has reached 1000, feel free to delete them by running the following query:

DELETE FROM "BeesenderLog"

401 Error during Synchronization

Issue 1: If you are encountering a 401 error during synchronization, the issue may be related to the accuracy of your login and password in the "Beesender chat configuration" section.


  1. Re-enter the login and password in the "Beesender chat configuration" section.

  2. Save the changes to the section.

  3. Attempt to synchronize again to ensure that the updated login and password have been properly applied.

Issue 2: BPMCSRF token option is disabled in your system


  • If you are using an On-site system, contact your IT specialists and request that they enable the BPMCSRF token option in the CRM system settings on the server.

  • If you are using a Cloud system, contact Creatio technical support and request that they enable the BPMCSRF token option for your system.

404 Error during Synchronization

If you encounter a 404 error during synchronization, there may be two reasons for its occurrence:

Issue 1: The package methods have not been published.


  1. Navigate to the system designer.

  2. Select Advanced Settings.

  3. Click on Compile on the opened page.

  4. Wait for the compilation process to finish.

  5. Verify that the compilation was successful.

Issue 2: Your CRM system server cannot find our service.


Please ensure that your service has access to the resource specified in the BeesenderOperatoHost system setting.

500 Error during Synchronization

If you encounter a 500 error during synchronization, there may be two reasons for its occurrence:

Issue 1: Beesender service is unable to connect to your CRM system.


If you are experiencing this issue, it may be that our service is unable to connect to your CRM system. Please click on the "Synchronize" button while in your CRM system at the address that our service can connect to.

Issue 2: BPMCSRF token option is disabled in your system


  • If you are using an On-site system, contact your IT specialists and request that they enable the BPMCSRF token option in the CRM system settings on the server.

  • If you are using a Cloud system, contact Creatio technical support and request that they enable the BPMCSRF token option for your system.

0 Error during Synchronization

If you encounter a 0 error during synchronization, there may be two reasons for its occurrence:

Issue 1: Your system server cannot find the Beesender service.


Please ensure that your service has access to the resource specified in the BeesenderOperatoHost system setting.

Issue 2: Unstable internet connection.


If you encounter issue #2, it may indicate an unstable internet connection. Please try again later.

Endless Loading Screen in Beesender Settings Wizard

Issue: If you experience an endless loading screen in the Beesender settings wizard (the window that appears after installing the Beesender package and prompts for your login, password, and token), it may be necessary to compile the system.


  1. Navigate to the system designer.

  2. Select Advanced Settings.

  3. Click on Compile on the opened page.

  4. Wait for the compilation process to finish.

  5. Verify that the compilation was successful.

License is overdue Error in Beesender Chat Configuration

Issue: If you receive a "License is overdue" error when attempting to make changes in the "Beesender Chat Configuration" section, it means that the user you are logged in as does not have a Beesender Chat Master license. This will prevent you from making changes to the "Beesender Chat Configuration" section.


To resolve this issue, follow these troubleshooting instructions:

  1. Navigate to the system designer.

  2. Open the License Manager section.

  3. Select the Beesender Chat Master license.

  4. On the Licensed Users tab, click on "Add" and select the user to whom you need to grant the license.


  1. Alternatively, navigate to the Users section in the system designer.

  2. Select the user to whom you need to grant the license.

  3. On the Licenses tab, check the box next to the Beesender Chat Master license to grant the license to the user.

Chatbot Getting Stuck on Beesender: Button message Element

Issue: Chatbot gets stuck on the Beesender element with message buttons and does not send the message to the chat.


  1. Go to the Studio workplace and open the System Settings section, or navigate to the System Settings section from the system designer.

  2. In the filter, select Code and enter the value UsePerformerCultureInUserTask.

  3. Open the found setting and uncheck the checkbox.

To restart the site:

  • If you are using Creatio Cloud, submit a request to Creatio technical support to reboot your system.

  • If you are using Creatio On-site, contact the IT specialists in your company and request a system reboot.

Empty Agent Panel

Issue: If the agent panel appears empty and no labels or icons are visible, it may indicate that static content is not enabled in the system.


To resolve this issue, please contact Creatio technical support and request that static content be enabled. Specifically, ask for the "UseStaticFileContent" flag to be turned on.

The Chatbot Not Recognizing Client Button Clicks

Issue: You've properly configured your chatbot and ensured that all flows after the Beesender: Ask a question element are accurately set up. However, the chatbot doesn't recognize when a client clicks a button. This could be due to an unseen space at the beginning or end of the button text.

Solution: Eliminate Excess Spaces in Button Text

To address this, go to the chatbot process in the Business Process Designer. Identify the Beesender: Ask a question element where the chatbot seems to stall. Investigate each button for potential spaces at the start or end of the button text. If found, these spaces need to be removed. Don't forget to save your modifications to the process.


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