

Done. The Beesender application has been successfully installed on your environment. You can go to the configuration

The Beesender-Bot-Master-for-Creatio-3.2 application contains all the logic of the Beesender-Chat-Master-for-Creatio-3.2 application. The main difference is that Bot Master contains functionality that allows you to work with chatbots: create your own chatbots, transfer chat to a chatbot, view statistics related to chatbots and others. With Bot Master application, you can also access such elements of the business process as: Beesender: Send location, Beesender: Send Image, Beesender: Send File, Beesender: Text message, Beesender: Ask a question.



Note. If you encounter errors while installing the application, click Download log and contact Beesender technical support using any of the available methods.
