3. Choose "Create a resource" - "AI + Machine Learning" - Choose Show "All options" and find "Bot Channels Registration" - "Create".
4. After choosing "Create", "Bot Channels Registration" window appears where you should fill in the information fields:
Steps to create channel in Creatio:
Open “Beesender chat configuration" in the system designer.
In the “Channels” tab click on the “+” button in the “Channels” details.
A list of all possible channels will appear. You need to select “Skype” channel.
The add Skype channel window opens. There are 6 fields that should be filled in (Channel link field is not required):
The “Channel name” is up to you.
Now you need to get your ApplId and AppPassword of created Bot.
A new window appears, where you probably need to log in again. After entering password you will see application managing window.
To get AppPassword press "Generate New Password". Save this password.
Next, add bot to the Skype channel in Azure and press "Save". New channel will be created.
Choose "Skype" blue button to get your bot link. 7.
Use your AppId and AppSecret in Creatio during adding Skype channel, channel weight and press "Add" button.