MS Teams

MS Teams

The sequence for adding an MS Teams channel is identical to Skype.

At the end you need to select the MS Teams channel binding

Create a Microsoft account

Create a Microsoft account to access Azure if you don't have one. You can do this by following the link:


When registering, the portal will ask you to link your plastic card. This has to be done. Select Pay-As-You-Go subscription. The money will be taken from the card only in case of using paid features of the portal. Creating a bot in this scenario is a free feature.


Log in to Azure using your account.


Click on your profile icon and select "Azure Portal".

The home page should open:

You then need to add a bot to the portal. To do this, select "Create resource" from the side menu.

In the search box, write "Azure Bot" and press Enter.

The bot page should open.

Press the "Create" button .

  • The bot creation page will open. Enter the following values:

  • Bot descriptor ( Unique identifier. Once the bot is created you will be able to choose a display name for it other than the descriptor in the "Parameters" column)

  • Subscription (your subscription created during registration)

  • Resource group (create a new group with any name)

  • Price category. Change plan and select "F0 Free".

  • Application type - Multi-client

  • Create type - Create new Microsoft application ID

6. Press the "Check and create" button .

The check page will open:

7. Press the "Create" button.

Deployment will start.

8. After successful deployment, press the "Go to resource" button:

9. On the page that opens to your bot, go to "Configuration".

10. In the "Configuration" page, enter the "Message endpoint" (taken from Creatio).

Leave the "Enable Streaming Endpoint" checkbox unchecked.

Add MS Teams channel to Creatio

Detailed obtaining of the messaging endpoint (WebHook) in Creatio:

After adding the exchange endpoint, press the "Apply" button.

11. Now you need to find out the AppId and AppPasword of the created bot.

The Microsoft App ID is your AppId for the channel connection.

To obtain the AppPasword, press the "Manage" button next to the Microsoft App ID.

A window will open in which you may have to log in again. Once you have successfully entered your password, the "Secrets and Certificates" window will open. To retrieve the AppPassword, click on "Create a new client secret". Its value must be saved on your computer so that the bot can be used again.

12. The next step is to add the bot to the MS Teams channel on Azure.

  • To do this, go to the "Channels" tab and select Microsoft Teams from the list

  • Accept the user agreement

  • Select the commercial version of Microsoft Teams

  • Click "Apply"

13. Enter AppId and AppSecret in Creatio when adding MS Teams channel, enter name, weight, press add button.

14. To open your bot in Teams press the "Open in Teams" button in the "Channels" section

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