

Twitter account registration

If you do not have a Twitter account, register it.
You will receive a verification code on your email address or on your mobile phone. Enter it during authorisation. Then you should set a password.Your page is ready.

Twitter API settings

1. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/

2. Click Create an App

3. Click Apply


4. Fill in the fields:

  • Your country

  • Exploring the API

  • No

5. Click Let's do this

6. Confirm the Developer agreement & policy – click Submit

7. Verify your email – click Confirm your email on the mail on your email

8. Fill in Application Name and click Get keys

9. Copy and save the next fields:

  • API Keys

  • API Key Secret

10. Click Dashbords

11. Click Yes, I saved them 

12. Go to the Project & Apps tab and select Project 1

13. Click Apply to take Elevated access

14. Fill in the fields as you wish and click Next

15. Fill in text fields by a short describtion how will you use Twitter API

16. Set the checkboxes as on the picture below:

  • Are you planning to analyze Twitter data? – No

  • Will your App use Tweet, Retweet, Like, Follow, or Direct Message functionality? – Yes

  • Do you plan to display Tweets or aggregate data about Twitter content outside Twitter? – No

  • Will your product, service, or analysis make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity? – No

17. Click Next

18. Check your data and Click Next

19. Confirm the Developer agreement & policy – click Submit

20. Go to the Project & Apps tab, select ypur application and click Set up for user authentication settings

21. Select Read and write and Direct message

22. Select Web App, Automated App or Bot

23. Fill in the fields:

24. Click Save

25. Click Yes

26. Click Done

27. Click Yes, I saved it

28. Go to the Products tab and select Dev Environment

29. Click Set up dev environment

30. Fill in the fields:

  • Dev environment label – значение на усмотрение, необходимо заполнить для следующих шагов

  • App – выберите своё приложение

31. Click Complete setup

32. Go to the Project tab and select your application

33. Go to the Keys and Tokens tab

34. Click Generate near Access Token and Secret

35. Copy and save the next fields:

  • Access Token

  • Access Token Secret

36. Click Yes, I saved them 

37. Go to your Twitter account – you can select your profile and click Go to Twitter

38. Click More

39. Select Security and account access

40. Select Apps and sessions


41.Click Connected App

42. Check if your application exists

43. Go to the Setting and priority tab

44. Select Privacy and safety

45. Select Direct Message

46. Set the checkbox Allow message requests from everyone

Add Twitter channel to Creatio

Preparatory stage. The Creatio system to which you plan to connect Instagram Direct must have the current Beesender package installed. You can install Beesender from the Creatio marketplace by following this link.

1. Go to the System designer > Chat configuration > Channels

2. Click + and select Twitter

3. Fill in the fields:

Add twitter channel

Add twitter channel

Channel name

Channel name as you wish


Access Token (p.35)


Access Token Secret (p.35)


API Key 


API Key Secret


dev (label at p.30)

Chat weight


4. Click Add

Error 500

If an error occurs, you must regenerate the token keys and fill in the fields with new values:

1. Go to: Developer portal  

2. Select Projects & Apps tab

3. Select your application

4. Go to the Keys and tokens tab

5. Click Regenerate near API Key and Secret

6. Click Yes, regenerate

7. Copy the API Key and set it in the ConsumerKey field in the Creatio

8. Copy the API Key Secret and set it in theConsumerKey field in the Creatio

9. Go back to Developer portal and click Yes, I saved them

10. Click Regenerate near Access Token and Secret

11. Click Yes, regenerate

12. Copy the Access Token and set it in the the Access Token field in the Creatio

13. Copy the Access Token Secret and set it in the the AccessSecretfield in the Creatio

14. Click ADD

Add twitter channel

Add twitter channel

Channel name

Channel name as you wish


Access Token


Access Token Secret 


API Key 


API Key Secret



Chat weight




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